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Best Easter Eggs

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AB Editor | 10:37 Wed 04th Apr 2012 | Food & Drink
21 Answers
Good day,

I wondered if anyone would like to share their best easter-egg tips - where did you get yours from? Where are they on offer? Anything you can remember being annoyed about last year? How much will you shell out for an Easter egg?

Advice much appreciated!


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I wanted a giant one of those ^^^^ that M&S are supposed to be doing but then I found out it's hollow with no walnut whip filling, I'd have paid good money for that :c(
10:46 Wed 04th Apr 2012
> marval
Here is a nice cheap one.

http://www.hotelchoco...ggs-CEasterLargeEggs/ <

yeh....and it's over a KILO of chocolate....mmmmmm!

I'll have one of these from there-a lot cheaper!..


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