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when/why/where ?

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anneasquith | 21:51 Wed 11th Apr 2012 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
when/why/where did you last have a really " good " CRY ?


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mojay - I truly believe it will. Put your head phones on and listen to tunes that remind you of him/her....and let it flood out xx
Thanks Ummm - you're very probably right - but he was a Rolling Stones guy whereas I preferred Simon and Garfunkel etc - opposites attract eh ? I daren't even consider - Bridge over troubled water - I'd never stop
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mojay, you would stop, but i wonder if you would feel a bit better afterwards :)
When my hubby died from a massive stroke four years ago.
When I fell flat on my face two nights ago. And no I was not tooted. I have a blocked ear which is affecting my balance and tripped over the curb.
In a similar post not so long a go I said it was when I was helping my neighbour repair his fence and I hit my thumb with the hammer....I could cry now just remembering it..<g>
fairly recently alone in the offce just felt totally overwhelmed with the changes in my life right now
One morning recently after being unable to sleep because of arthritic and sciatica pains all night. I was so tired out that I put a tea bag in the cat's bowl and Kitekat in the tea pot. Sounds silly now, but that just tipped me over the edge.
5 years ago today, when my mum died.
Jamesnan :-( xx
last month when it was 3 years exactly since my mum died.
12:37 yesterday when i got a text from the Idiot Boy to say he finally had a proper full time professional Radiography job. Poor kid has been shafted by NHS reforms and cutback and has been scratching out a living since he left Uni nearly two years ago. now maybe he can get his career moving properly!!
Here at home this morning, when I had a phone call to tell me my uncle's cancer hasn't spread and so is treatable. They were happy tears though.

EVERY time I see the Railway Children I cry buckets - it's really bonkers - I just can't stop!
horseshoes - it's the 'Daddy, my Daddy' bit, isn't it?
Very good news about your uncle - I can understand why you cried.
all over the bank hol, i was like a sodding tap
Kiki - yes that's it exactly! "Daddy, my Daddy" Oh it gets to me every single time.
April 1998, the day after my lovely moms funeral, when the realisation that i would never see her again hit me like a locomotive at full speed.

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