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OH going to Spain

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Caran | 00:23 Sat 14th Apr 2012 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
He is not happy, they confiscated his jar of Marmite. When they got to the villa it was quite late, everywhere shut. Owner had left bread, milk, butter as their request. Friend had banana in bag so they shared a banana sarnie.
Welcome ton Spain!


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Been there,done that, got the T shirt. Except for the marmite.
That's what friends are for!
Mmmm. Bread n butter. Think ill go have some! Xx
Tinks stop eating lol
Was his Marmite in his hand luggage, then? If so - not surprised. I had Tiger Balm and lipstick taken off me on different occasions - simialr consistencies to Marmite!
The rotten Spaniards, carol.

As a lover of Marmite I would have transfered the contents into a plastic pot and put a label on claiming it was Axle Grease.

I sense you were laughing as you typed that ^^

So was I :)))

If that is the worst thing that happens to Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, you will be relieved. Enjoy that remote control. Sweet dreams xx
Im allowed a snack belle lmao x
Tinks, do you never stop thinking about food?! I saw nibble's recipe for tablet earlier....!
They always seem to nick the Marmite at customs - maybe 'cos they don't have it abroad!!!!
... Getting a complex now!

Have had a sandwich today with crisps
And a curry for dinner before 7...

Slice of bread for supper wont kill me i doubt? X
Should be OK tinks :-) late at night though!
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ttfn that had me laughing, butch cassidy and sundance kid, I will never think of them as anything else. he phoned tonight, today they had gone to a seaside resort, they could not find the sea!! managed tofind some Marmite in a supermarket so they are happy.
Oh deary me :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

They sound as though they should be in a sit com - Duty Free stand aside for The Codgers from FoD. Bless 'em both. I shall fall asleep thinking of them now, with a guge grin on my face ☺
^huge - sorry but typos abound when I cannot see the keys for tears of laughter

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OH going to Spain

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