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Heathers murder in EE - and poor Billy!

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Smowball | 12:18 Fri 13th Apr 2012 | Film, Media & TV
37 Answers
C,mon, its annoying me now, please dont tell me that Ben gets away with it??


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Phil kicks Shirley out!! What!!
Well it can't be Billy because Billy is going to be carrying the Olympic torch around the square in July
or rather, Billy is obviously found to be not involved at at because he ....
Thought the whole cast had been murdered - oh no, that's just wishful thinking!
Poor old Billy, but as others have said, I don't think that Jay would let him go down for it - I just wish that Jay would stop faffing about and drop Ben in the s*!t. On a slightly different subject, why is Michael being nice to Jean? Has she got some hold over him?
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Why does Phil kick Shirley out??
Didn't Jean have a scratch card win? Michael might be about to con her out of money.
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Tv guide says the Mitchells are stunned when Shirley joins forces with Andrew to find the killer.....

ummmm, confused re michael and pre-nup. Why did he sign it??
Oh yes, that's right, she did - it was mentioned in the last episode about her having £8000 so she didn't have to work if Alfie had really sacked her. I think. Mind you, I don't know how anybody in EastEnders has any idea what job they are going to be in from day to day inAlbert Square! - could be the launderette, Queen Vic, cafe, Argy Bargy, or yet another reception job in Tanya's salon. I'd hate to try and do their P45's.
Because Janine wouldn't marry him otherwise? He might have devious plans though...
Yea, i have wondered about that islasmum, nobody works outside of the square nobody has a washing machine they all do the washing at the laundrette and nobody as a cooker has they all eat at the cafe or the queen Vic !.
Jean gave him some advice about how to get out of the pre nup if he signed up to it.
Basically if it is too one way and too detailed it won't stand up in court (could be soap fiction that...)
Haha...he wants her to invest in his gym!!
Billy was a suspect because of the stag night sweatshirt. Phil burnt Jay's, the police were looking for them all, and so Phil stole Billy's and gave it to Jay to use as his ..... hence Billy cannot locate his - so the police are saying it was Billy's that was burned. Go it - good!! Stupid storyline! Addictive though ;-)
Do we know who the father of Lola's baby is?
Ben pretends he hears phil talking in his sleep about the murder so phil kicks shirley out incase she hears anything about the murder!!!! X
Ben is the father of Lola's baby - happened when he was trying not to be gay!

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Heathers murder in EE - and poor Billy!

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