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What have you done?

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TWR | 19:01 Thu 19th Apr 2012 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
Try and think what you have done to help someone in their life, try to give a positive answer please.


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I appreciate the spirit of the question but its not something i talk about.
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With respect Woofgang the OP was not to pry on someones life but on the same line as Tenrec, If I've offended I apologize.
I sometimes "forget" to send a bill.
i think that if you treat others as you would wish to be treated yourself and do random acts of kindness for others that makes others feel good, even if in some small way. hopefully they will do the same and the positive attitude is passed forward. that's my theory anyway.
i am not offended at all, either by your question or your response to tenrec; and i think that tenrec did a wonderful thing, just responding that some of the things that we do can never be discussed or admitted to.
Woofgang, I do agree with you - it has taken me over 30 years to say that first post to anyone who didn't know.
Nothing much just the usual things people do, though I must admit to being secretly proud of the blood donations I made before ill health stopped me continuing
I can't really explain the whole story, but I did something once under duress but with the best of intentions, to try to avoid something worse happening for someone. It ended badly didn't stop what was going to happen anyway more sadly. Years later I gave his mother and her younger children enough money to move somewhere entirely different, to a little village.All of it was to try to help the people concerned, but the house move has made a world of diffference to this lady's peace of mind, so while I'm not happy, at least some good has come of it.
had to leave college to care full time for fil with alzheimers,,hard work but glad I did it..he passed away after 4 years..but in his own home in his own bed...I can live with myself..some can't...they know who they are !!!
I'm with Woogang on this to a degree, I have done many things to help others and still do but to discuss it on here just does not sit easy with me.

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