ive been advised by the doc's to take Piriton regularly for a while due to possible reaction to anti inflammatroies...
anyways - i took 3 pirion every 4hrs yesterday, doc said they would make me feel drowsy but woah...i was bordering on stoned at one point - not in a good way, a bad way. I felt like i was drifting away all the time i found it hard to relax and i kept feeling really clammy all the time.
Is this normal with piriton? especially if im told to take it regularly? Ive never had it before. Ive taken my first one again today, and already i can feel my hands turn really clammy, i feel a little drowsy but its no big deal at the moment, of course im expecting 2 more tablets later for that to get worse!
personally - i think im just uber sensitive to any kind of medication im just curious of other peoples response to piriton
yes! as an ex class a addict, i figure i have a high tolerance to drugs....and i do...usually.
Lets put it this way...i use a single piriton tablet as a sleeping tablet when i run out. x