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TWR | 10:41 Thu 26th Apr 2012 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
That the site takes over your " I have this / that to do chores"? do you find it's a job to pull yourself away from your PC even though you are dying for a brew ( Tea) that's for you down South (lol lol)


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No, my PC is in the kitchen/dining room though so the kettle is only about 10ft away :)
coffee down South TWR!!! But you're right about the site.....I'be been waiting to put my washing out for hours
No, because my chores get done. I often leave answers half typed out because I fancy a coffee. Trouble with that, finish your answer and post it, then you see 30 posts appeared in the time you'd gone. Then your answer doesn't make much sense.
I'm on my phone just now so I can take it with me lol!

But I do really.... especially when I was at college. I hardly got any work done at all!!
no :)
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Is that you Chuck? bloody hell your
i fancy a cup of tea now

and a biscuit
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Make it two + & 2 Macc, I'm on the way.
A view into the private like of Mark Rae?
I do waste time on here the internet generally but still get stuff done... eventually
Absolutely ... as Novice says ...

Coffee here, at this time of day.

Morning coffee.

Afternoon tea.

It's really quite simple.
I have biscuits If I want them but don't fancy them right now... could murder a pot of good coffee though.
i have gingerbread men or ginger biccies?
just brewed a fresh pot rowanwitch....midday elevenses!!
Yes, this site definitely takes over, but I'm only staying for a mo today as I have a friend visiting from Scotland and I have to pick her up from the station !
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Id make her wait Chap, tell her this is mre important lol lol.

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