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sherrardk | 22:11 Sat 28th Apr 2012 | Travel
7 Answers
Need to re-new my passport and the information says I only need the form signed by someone else if my appearance has changed significantly. My question is, how significant is significant - I have obviously aged 10 years but I recognise myself in my current passport photo. Any thoughts anyone? Thanks.


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I've only ever had one lot of photos signed, that was for my first passport many years ago. I bet if you look properly you haven't changed that much.
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I have someone who can sign the form, just wondered about how much you would have had to have changed. Just pleased I don't have to send of my birth certificate as I have no flipping idea where that is.
I'm just doing exactly the same thing. Luckily not having gone grey, or bald, since 2002, I don't look very much different ten years on...
It'll be fine I'm sure, but if it's nt too much agg to get someone to sign it then it'll give you a bit of peace of mind. Be thankful it's not an Irish passport, as OH's is, all renewals have to be signed, and the professions that can sign are very limited, lucky we go to church and the priest did it. We don't know any coppers, solicitors or councillors and god alone knows what locum doctor we have at the moment.
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I might get it signed to be on the safe side - himself will probably get them done the same day so he won't want to go twice. (And we will probably leave it too late too.)
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