hourly rates in The AnswerBank: Jobs & Education
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hourly rates

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jp1 | 11:02 Mon 21st Nov 2005 | Jobs & Education
8 Answers
how much is the hourly rate for ironing please?
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Usually its by the bag full, say �10 for a full bag. Dont Press for to much (sorry could'nt help the pun) as they might think your to expensive.

Well in this house I get paid �0.0 per hour !!

If it helps, I believe the present minimum hourly wage rose from from �4.85 to �5.05 in October 2005. If you don't want to price yourself out of the market, try and estimate how much ironing you could do in that time, (probably estimated by weight). If you look in your local paper you might see an advert by somebody else who is advertising an identical service. You could always pretend to be a customer and ring up and ask her.

I think I saw it advertised at �5.50 an hour. If someone asks you how much and they bring a big bag full round, just say that's �10 worth. �5.50 won't go far if you are relying on one person. I saw it was �2 per shirt ironed at the launderette once. I cannot remember if that was washed and ironed, it was probably the case so most people will be happy to give you �10 for a bag full.

I'm just curious -but are we talking carrier bag, or bin bag here!?! Cos I'm feeling like a VERY slow ironer now!

I used to pay someone to do my ironing - she did it by item. I think something like 60 pence or a pound for a shirt, less for children's clothes.

You'll probably get paid more than if you charge by hour and everyone will know they stand if you price by item.

I was very happy to pay out the money

I was thinking of large carrier bag full. As Twopenneth said if you charge per item you might be paid at a reasonable rate. I don't like ironing. I usually do it on a Monday night or at the weekend and watch the soaps. I can start at 7.15 and finish at load by 8.30pm if its Monday. Last night my husband overfed me so I couldn't get out the chair.
The lady that does my dad's ironing takes �20 for a bin bag full.
i pay �1 per item.

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