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Buiscuit Tins...

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Jemisa | 23:39 Fri 04th May 2012 | Home & Garden
26 Answers
My daughter wants a McVities biscuit tin for their 'Rich Tea' and for their 'Digestive' biscuits.I've seen them on ebay but don't want to deal with ebay. Where else can I get them from? Anyone know?



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all these are on eBay, jem, why don't you want to use eBay?
Jem, maybe you know somebody who uses ebay who would get them for you, which is what I do as I don't buy from eday but my daughter does
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There is a gift shop in Ilford that sells them, £6-99 each!!! (pheww!)
A neighbour is getting me one when she visits her son who lives there.

Sorry Ann about Buiscuits... or should I say BISCUITS?

I'm a bit frightened of ebay to tell the truth,(past experience)

Very sorry Jem. I see that my answer was removed. Quite right too. My weak attempt at lightheartedness let me down again. It was never ever my intention to upset you. You are a much valued member of the AB community.
I have lots of lovely tins Ive collected over the years. I just cant bear to throw them away sometimes. They do prove useful at times, but mostly stay empty. Hope you find what you are looking for Jem
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micmak, I was not in the least upset but clearly someone was (Ed) don't get stressed over it you don't need it (I'm not) Lets draw a line under the whole thing.

Take care


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