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house cats ?

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anneasquith | 11:04 Fri 04th May 2012 | Animals & Nature
47 Answers
house cats, is it fair to keep cats inside at all times ?


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My 2 are housecats and are not in the slightest bit bothered. We don't have a garden but they do go out on the balcony when they want to. One is epileptic so even if I decided to make them outdoor cats, he would still need to stay in. He'd be far too vulnerable out on his own.
I would like to add that i do not use a litter tray LOL

That made me LOL when i read it ;0> x
Some cats don't want to go outside. Trust me, we tried so hard with Sooty but she just wont budge!! She's about as stubborn as they come!
I know erin. My non epileptic cat ripped me to shreds when i once tried to take him outside. He's perfectly happy indoors.
I must say I really dont like the idea of house cats, im not even a lover of cats!
My two were indoor cats when I got them - they were 18 months old - and it suited me as I live in a city centre. I think that if they have always been indoor cats they know no different.

My flat is big and on two floors - they hare around trying to murder each other and generally doing normal 'cat stuff'. They will be 7 in June (29th June if my little brother reads this).
I couldn't keep my two Houdinis in if I try!!! They are true escapologists! And love the outdoors! Watching birds, chasing each other, climbing trees and catching mice! Never had a house cat! Though they do worry me when they wander too far and I lock them in each night away from foxes as they have both been chased!

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