My father in law is having problems with his neibour over who is responsible for the fence on one side of his garden. Is there any where I can get a map or information showing me what side of his garden he is responsible for
But there is no obligation for whoever is responsible to put up a fence at all. The easy solution if you need one is to put one up within your side of the boundary.
My best mate has an extremely long garden and the fence on the right hand side was falling down. When she checked it was shared with next door. Her neighbour has refused point blank to financially contribute to a new fence, even though she has a dog, which of course keeps roaming into my mates garden!!
She has now had a new fence put in, on her side of the boundary, and painted the neighbour's side of it a disgusting bright orange :-)
I always thought that the person who had the fence posts on their side was the person who owned and was responsible for the fence.
Might be wrong, though.