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Three More sleeps!

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EvianBaby | 14:00 Tue 08th May 2012 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Until I get the keys to my house. Woooooooooo!!!!!!

I'm more excited than all of your children on Christmas eve put together.

I just need to the time to hurry up. All three evenings are fully scheduled which is good but god work is dragging today!

Please someone make it hurry up!


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hope it goes well !!!...I will NEVER move again..nerves can't take it !!..still have a few unopened boxes in attic...after 7 years !!!
Woohoo cant wait to come stay lol xx
Great news.
Shall I dig out my party frock?
I love moving house.
tinks...come via Edinburgh...I'll bring a bottle...
Will do MM! Grab erin whilst im there too....ooh evian you got room for us all...x
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The more the merrier! Everyone's invited. Bring bottles of wine and straws! :)
Good luck.Don't forget to make a note of which box the kettle is in.(and the tea bags)
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Give up - the best thing about moving out of my Dads is that everything is new and already in a box, like the kettle. Packing took me an hour :)

The car is already nearly full. lol
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Fanks!!!!!! :) :) :)

You should all prepare yourself for a deluge of Q's in Food & Drink along the lines of 'how does one make toast' or 'help, I've burn a pan of water'.
Ooh, exciting indeed! Hope the move goes well. It is soooo much fun unpacking and deciding where to put things. And cooking in a new kitchen for the first time. You lucky thing.

If it's any consolation, it's now about quarter of an hour closer to moving day than it was when you first posted.
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Oooohhh, that's gone quick Kiki! :)

I'm most looking forward to Saturday where I can kick out the people that are helping me bring my furniture in then I can sit on the floor and play with all my stuff. he he
What comes before part b?
Part a!

Geddit!??? Partaaaaaaaaaaay ;0>

(awaits groannnns for poor joke) x
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Lol Tinks, that is terrible! (but I'm gona steal it). :)
Hope all goes well, don't pack the kettle, put it in the car boot! When we moved down to Norfoolk a couple of years ago, I yanked a filling out the day before we left, tearing tape with my teeth, and yes I know I shouldn't have done it but it's quicker! Also on the day before, I had my hairdresser come and do my highlights, it could be a while before I found anywhere new! We sat on packing boxes while sh did it. Remember, no matter how much you throw out before you move, you'll throw as much out again when you unpack.
Aye its soooo sh1t its almost good PMSL xx
Zebo..where are you in Norfolk ? lived in Thorpe St Andrew for a while..near the river !!
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Lol Zebo, good tips. Get hair done and don't use teeth as scissors. :)

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