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Oh Sh@t !!

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TheOtherHalf | 06:14 Tue 08th May 2012 | ChatterBank
52 Answers
Can someone tell me why dogowners have to clean up after their dogs fouling in the street and yet on my way to work, right in the cycle lane where I have to be, is piles of horse manure for a couple of yards and right outside a school. I know that years ago, people used to rush out to shovel this up for their gardens but I dont think they do now. The school is back open today and this is going to be trampled down by cars and schookids etc, so will be there for days till its washed away and trampled into the school on kids shoes.


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Could always stuff a cork up its jacksy when on the road,LOL!
*ever been
Evian, left a post for you on your thread in motoring.
B00, you could put a little wheel under it, like a wheelbarrow going backwards with its arms tied to the horse.
Ah Thanks Tony, haven't looked at my own Q's. Will check now.
Evian, no more dangerous to motorcycles than pot holes, wet leaves in the gutter and spilled diesel.
Ahhh right, so you expect them to carry traffic cones instead then in order to direct the traffic around the manure, so as not to squash it into the road. Then take the horse back to the stables/field whatever. Untack, then grab bucket and scooper, then head back to the offending pile on the road, scoop, then collect everything, including cones again??
*smacks jno*
Exactly HC, there's enough problems on the roads without the added extra of horse crap.

I can't really be arsed to think about this much more, or discuss it but yes, they should do something, however they decide to do it.

And actually, as I will only be living in the country side for another three days, I don't care as much now. :)
That's only because you can't think of a feasible way round it Ev ;-)

<blows raspberry>
Nope, I still think all my suggestions are feasble.

I've just spent enough of the day talking crap as it is. :)
A bit of horse dung wouldn`t bother me. It`s only chewed up hay and stuff. I rode through a little village in Tuscany and when the old ladies hear horses, they all come to hang out of their windows. The owner of the stables said "They`re not coming to look at the horses, they`re making sure the horses don`t mess in their street". We were fully expected to clean it up if they did (I don`t know how though). For the whole of my life in the country there was a herd of cows who used to disgorge the entire contents of their bowels outside our house every day on their way between field and shippin. My mother was forever outside washing the splashes off our white walls. She`d have swapped that for a bit or horse dung any day.

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