I had mine out in early March and am still suffering with similar symptoms to before, not the attacks but the evil burning in my shoulderblades and lots and lots of air! I'm still having to be very careful what I eat, especially fat. Tried two microwave meals since when knackered so wanted something quick and both times the aftereffects were horrible so sticking pretty much to the same diet as before.
For the air I initially got a lot of mints with peppermint in. Got omeprazole too and am prescribed 40mg for that. I also kept myself propped up, even in bed, on a V pillow. I found it hard to get comfy as could only lie on my back in bed and find it hard to get to sleep on my back.
In desperation the other week I bought some charcoal tablets from Boots to try and soak up excess air and they definitely helped get it out. It comes back but helps at least get rid of what's there at the time.
Be careful when you take them though as polite company might not be advised when getting the air out and the tablets also tend to go straight through me (also had really bad diarroea since including incidents I've not quite made it, literally like large volumes of water sometimes) and since it comes out pretty black some loo cleaner on standby too.
I'm on cholastagel anyway as had bile acid malabsorption before the gallstones problems cropped up.
Hope it settles soon, it's not nice. I asked a question after I had my gallbladder out, will try to find it to post a link.