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50 shades of grey

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dotty. | 20:45 Sun 13th May 2012 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
who's been tempted to read it yet?


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I've now got a copy after posing this question. But not found time to start reading it yet.

read some of the free excerpt on amazon. Derivative bubblegum.
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lol so not the soft porn housewife's best read it's cracked up to be then?
I bought it, but again not read it yet....hope it will be worth it after all the
hype about it!!
that's the bit thats on amazon, I think there are excerpts form the other novels as well.
No, very unlikely I will be too I'm afraid.
That article calls it a 'powerful literary phenomenon'.....ermm-I don't think so. The excerpt was tedious as hell.
Not come across it. Is that my good fortune?
er, well phrased, DaisyNonna.
I've got it sitting on the ipad waiting for me, just finishing another book before I can start it. A couple of friends have read it and says it's excellen and er....very educational!
There are three books altogether, not sure I'm interested in bondage that much.
Bugger, is it about bondage AYG?
Not interested in bondage? Tie them up, then, and throw 'em out
Now come on askyourgran you know very well that you love 007

Sorry guys I don't think I could cope with 3 books full of that. 007 was very gentlemany and Roger me mooor was verry handsome. Sorry rocky didn't you know! Lol
No AYG I didn't lol, I was just told 'mummy porn' and thought, I'll have a looksee at that.
On holiday recently, 4 girls out of the 8 of us were reading it. They all loved it and told me to get it so it's on it's way to me. lol

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50 shades of grey

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