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Re SPAM Messages

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julia-mag | 10:46 Thu 31st May 2012 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
I have just received a message in my SPAM section from Western Union to say that I have $270000 in an account there. (which I don't to my knowledge), so will not open the message. Has anyone else had this message please?


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Yes. Just delete it.
All the time, sometimes several in one day.
you must be a wealthy woman then, daffy!
$270K is chickenfeed. If I took up all the offers from slightly dishonest bankers in central African countries, the Far and Middle East, I would have nearly enough money to pay off the Irish National debt.
I get all the usual spam rubbish and phishing emails in very large amounts DT, most of them amuse me when I think that some people actually fall for these scams.
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Thanks everyone will now delete !!
Join the line of wealthy persons that get these messages every day Julia.
Probably spam but bear in mind there has been many, many, ABers who on following the instructions in the email have reaped vast rewards.
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Thanks Mick, My logic tells me that if Western Union got my e-mail address, why didn't they give me their e.mail adress to reply to (and not a perishing long telephone number?).
It's a bit like the Readers Digest. The number of times I got through stages 1,2,and 3 (hooray) but never won a single thing in stage 4 in about 20 years.
I never bought anything I didn't want but that's beside the point. It was not 'conditional' on buying anything, (nudge nudge). Of course not!!!!!!!!!!

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