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I Love Snow | 09:31 Mon 04th Jun 2012 | Home & Garden
11 Answers
where is the best place to buy cheap pillows?


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Argos? Local supermarket? But why would you want to?
Spend the most you can or it's just a false economy imo. Unless of course you don't want them for bedtime.... then Morrisons or the like do 2 for about £3

Lisa x
Do you have B &M...or poundstretchers....
Buy cheap.

Buy twice.
Bed ford
Question Author
need cheap just now as i dont get paid till next week and there has been a lice case at the wee ones nursery so was gonna do her hair and get new pillows just in case.
Much cheapness in Poundstretcher or Poundland - local supermarkets too.
Could you put them in the washer? Would that kill them? Xx
Question Author
not sure if that would kill them. flaming annoying
I've never heard of nits living in pillows. Just wash the pillowcases on a hot wash.
Primark's are quite cheap too.
Nits don't live in pillows.

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