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one of life^s joys ?

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anneasquith | 18:05 Tue 05th Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
as above. a full moon on a clear night :) what makes you joyous ?


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Thay's what gives his wife a headache!
The nape of a newborn's neck.
A nice sunny day when you can have the doors open without listenening to
some diy freak hammering away, loud music or a yappy dog!
There are so many, I just love living.
Answering the phone and hearing "hello Gran".
I'm with you on that Re/ Yapping dog Cupid, bloody things, BUT, you cannot blame the dog if the owner does not take him / her out.
I agree, some of our neighbours, just seem to shove them out in the garden then forget them, TWR!
I know Cupid, I've had problems with our neighbours, I have been around & had a word or two, it becomes quiet for a day or two then starts again, she told me that she has had problems in previous rented houses for the same thing???? what does that tell you??
every day when i wake up i put my arms out if theres no wood there ,its gonna be a lovely day
Heard that one before Sind, it made me laugh. x

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one of life^s joys ?

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