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Good Morning Folks

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albaqwerty | 05:42 Wed 06th Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
46 Answers
Hope all is well with you and yours xx

Found out at 11pm last night that I'd missed National Doughnut Day and National Hug-a-cat day. Typical.

I hope it's National Choccy Eclair Day today.


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Morning BJ, me ol'mucker xx

I reckon there might still be a few hangovers lingering :-)
No chance of a transit here with the heavy clouds upstairs.......water, water everywhere.

Sainsbury had a 3 for 2 for 99p yesterday on eclairs down here, alba......I did "benefit" from that little deal.

Oh well, back to reality today.
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Must get the scuba gear on, mutterooni is waiting for early morning draggy session.

Have a nice day folks xx
Mornin' alba and all you lucky ABesr who are back to work and out of this wet weather.....

Jubilee over ..thank God some might say....I personally enjoyed most of it :-)

Wot's the next big grouse then...Olympics maybe. Sure to be summat..looking forward to it Heh heh!

Have good one all.... cost a flamin fortune..:-(
good morning everyone. hope you are all well and that the forthcoming day is enjoyable. was falling down with rain earlier but is now sunny with blue sky showing everywhere.

lol alba i'll second that. i didn't know i'd missed such important occasions.
Good morning everybody, dull and overcast at the moment with the forecast being a bit grim so it looks like a lazy day indoors.

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