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How long for AB?

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Maydup | 21:49 Wed 06th Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
54 Answers
I see AB is going to the pub at 10.30pm - is anyone else going?


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If, when AB, reappears, there's a new logo in the top left-hand corner featuring the Queen wearing a traffic cone on her head, we'll all know that AB has been down the pub for long enough ;-)
22:07 Wed 06th Jun 2012
We're off!!!!
right....I'm off...see ya there....
My computer is 2 minutes ahead of AB!!!
clogs of fire here!!
Question Author
Anyone else?
I have just got back from the pub! What is happening?
wait for it - you 'orrible peepl'
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Not waiting any longer!
GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! & enjoy!!!
Somebody go & get the Ed!!!!
-- answer removed --
Ed -Pub -NOW ;0)
Ok, Ed, so what's new then??

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How long for AB?

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