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Boarder control.

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TWR | 18:19 Fri 08th Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Do you watch the OZ Boarder Control? do you think the way they control their duties to their country, they are well & truly SPOT ON? do you think this Dump could learn a lesson or two from the Ozzie's they way they let the vermin in?


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They definitely handle it better than the boneheads here imo.
The Aussies are very strict on immigration. Once I watched the news in Miami and the then PM of Australia was threatening to shoot immigrants that were trying to come in on a boat!!! They never showed that news clip here an can you imagine Cameron saying that??
Cats, rabbits and cane toads are all examples of vermin which have been introduced into Australia.
All seem to be upsetting the balance of nature and care should be taken to prevent further introductions. Border control seem to be doing a good job, so far.
I've watched it TWR they are very thorough. I wish our Border Control would recognise the importance of tighter controls. Illegals should be deported, no excuses. We have had one or two recently who have 'won the hearts of the community' and have some dreadful illness which would not be treated if sent back. Illegals who drive with no licence and kill other roadusers. Why do we pander so much? I feel sorry for those illegals who are seeking medical help, but where do we stop?
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I feel sorry for those illegals who are seeking medical help, but where do we stop?

With respect A.Y.G. I might be called uncompassionate, but there are many that need medication here,its no wonder they make for the FREE UK, It really annoys me
I did say that all illegals should be deported meaning 'for whatever reason medically or otherwise' or where do we draw the line if we allow some and not others. That annoys me too especially those who commit a crime and languish in our prisons being deported later.
Is this really you, TWR?
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????? HC.
Not seen it, but are those Aussie landladies real tough with their boarders>?
Boarder control

Is that snow/body or wind anywhere near Bondi then,TWR?
What is an oz boarder
what are they boarding?
do we have one?

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Boarder control.

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