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One less job for women...

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venator | 12:11 Sun 10th Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
Technology has now usurped a woman's job in the home - that of knowing where things are!


What other functions should technology replace?


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I've been told by many women that the first Mr Craft was marvellous round the house...............unfortunately it wasn't my house.
But he was sh!t at ironing...............
Did you lose mant buttons ?
it probably just says 'where did you last have it?' like i do ...
My favourite saying " the fridge is 3 foot square, how hard can it be to find?". LOL
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Now this is where a handbag / manbag becomes sensible - you don't need to hunt for several items as they are all inside said bag.
I know that song well, Toes.
Man bag !, leave it out mosiac.
They are very popular in foreign parts I'll have you know.
Having criticised my OH for his inability to locate stuff in a fridge, freezer or cupboard I'm keeping my trap shut regarding finding stuff in my handbag.......
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Now we approach the GREAT TRUTH!!

the answer to life, the Universe and everything is inside the Great HANDBAG of woman ness
My wife keeps moving things. I go looking, for example, for the corkscrew in the drawer where it has lived for the last 20 years and can't find it. She'll pipe up saying "look for it and you'll find it" and I'll eventually find it, usually in a different room.

Next time I borrow her car I'll leave it parked in the next county somewhere. When she wants it I'll tell her to go and look for it.
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Your suffering is mine, spikey...
It's ok. It says the objects must be manually tagged to be searchable in the system. Bound to be the woman's job!

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One less job for women...

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