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Surfing the internet on television through an X-Box

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naomi24 | 08:32 Sun 17th Jun 2012 | Technology
4 Answers
Is it possible - and if so, how is it done?

Idiot language would be helpful please - I'm not the best of friends with technology. I'm not even sure my question will make sense to those in the know - and my apologies in advance if it doesn't. :o/


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I'm not 100% sure about surfing (my son will be back soon) but you need to buy xbox live. I think it's about £5 a month and it's pay as you go. My son used to get his top up from blockbusters, but you can do it on line.
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We've got X-Box Live, ummmm - not that I know what that means. :o/
lol...he'll be back from his paper round shortly. I'll get him to answer :-)
My son said no. He said 'live' lets you chat with other gamers and certain aps (?) and sites like youtube, but not surfing. PS3 does allow surfing though.

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Surfing the internet on television through an X-Box

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