Do you go to antique fairs and car boot sales etc etc? What do you like/dislike about them? Do you ever buy anything? Do you buy on eBay? Do you collect anything in particular? Do you find bargains? I'm just doing a little bit of research for my own benefit, and I'd appreciate your answers. Thanks.
I don`t internet buy since the incident with the duck with a dick. Seriously. I do love fairs, boot sales, charity shops etc. I like unusual and quirky old stuff. My last two buys were a block for printing wallpaper or fabric and last week a gadget for darning silk and fine wool.
Used to got to a lot of boot sales etc .But not so much these days .I collect blue and white china and Beswick stuff but it started to take over the house :) Had a phase of buying art deco type vintage jewellery on Ebay .
I used to haunt car boot sales every weekend, buying all sorts of decorative stuff, brass, interesting stuff - until I couldn't really stuff any more in the house. Now I sell it on eBay. I still buy things on eBay but nowadays it's things I need rather than things I like the look of.
I LOVE antiques fairs. I go with my mate and we have a competition called "Tatwatch" to see who can identify the ugliest piece of tat ever. It's great fun.
I collect Moorcroft Pottery (but only the early stuff), I also collect silver with a particular leaning towards female silversmiths or georgian silver.
Best bargain I had though was on ebay which was a piece of Macintyre pottery which I won for £10.