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What's in a name?

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Tilly2 | 18:39 Fri 29th Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
111 Answers
Isn't it nice when someone responds to your question or observation and uses your name in that response. A lot of people do it and I find it much more personal and thoughtful.


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That wedding sounds interesting, gness.
Can't really shorten our Choc Labs name which is Bow or our cats name which is Daisy.
Have fun Fliss.

Tony, it could be shortened to Days I s'pose.
Sometimes gets called that alba. ( amongst many other things lol ).
I thought all Chocolate Labs were usually known as "Come HERE You Bonkers Dog" ...

... just as my lovely Gizmo has OCD - Obsessive Collie Disorder :+)
Right 100 for Tilly! Tony. My wedding was a hoot. Went to pick up my flowers...they had arranged them in a bloody great vase. Ever seen a bride walking towards future hubby carrying a huge vase of flowers?
I've always thought Frances was a nice name, can't think why it gets shortened to...
Our mutt is Lucy, also along with other things.
She answers to them too.
At my god daughter's christening, her mother was asked to write down her name as there were three babies being baptised that day. She wrote down GWEN but the minister baptised her as OWEN. Bad writing - bad eyesight?? Who knows but we had to laugh.
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I'm back. I'd never call a dog Fenton now, would you?
lol Tilly (Fliss)

I bet the owner will never live it down.
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Fenton! Fenton!

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