We have a sparrowhawk visiting our garden at present which is slowly picking off the bird population. Is it possible to deter it from these activities?
They are protected under the Wildlife Act - don't know how you could deter one other than getting a cat, which might defeat the object of saving the birds!
very accasionally we have a sparrow hawk visiting our garden, and we hear the squirms from the birds that are feeding. Quick as a flash the birds escape to the very nearby firethorn bush inches away. Bush is 7' high, good covering for predators. our feeders are 6" away from the firethorn bush. other than that big thick bush, theres not a lot you can do to keep sparrowhawks away?
You can try putting a plastic replica of another hawk in a visible spot in your garden, raptors are territorial and unlikely to invade another bird's territory.
Many sailors put large plastic owls on view when their boats are left in marinas to keep the seagulls off.
The sparrowhawk will just go elsewhere to dine. As an aside they are rare beautiful birds and really should be encouraged, as should all the other birds.
You could try a "Guard'N Eyes Balloon ScareCrow" ... I've read several 'positive' reports on various websites, and I'm just about to purchase one or two myself! Another possible solution that I've read about is to place tall (10ft) canes around the garden to disrupt the sparrowhawks direct flight path so that it isn't able to fly at speed towards its intended victim. (Incidentally with regard to the unhelpful comment by gen2 ie: "The sparrowhawk has an equal right to feed unmolested in your garden." Well the fact is that it's YOUR garden hmsganges and you have every right to deter any unwanted visitors and to encourage those that you do want ... the remark about "racism" is just plain silly!) Re: to using a plastic replica hawk ... this may work, but it may also discourage the smaller birds from visiting your garden.