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Stamping out ageism

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venator | 00:22 Tue 19th Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
News reports give the ages of their subjects even when there is no other information.

This is "culturally insensitive" and offends against the EU human rights directive number 2,000,000.

Future reports must say - red haired doglover, mr x was indicted for wearing a loud tie in a library etc etc


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Signed Venator aged 3
Logan's Run.

Now there's an idea worth exploring in the context of Wefare Reform, surely?
Found a new bottle of juice V?
Maggiebee, aged 21, stood accused of supporting a Scot at Wimbledon. When
she accidently hit the Submit button before she had finished.
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Go immediately to Updated Site Rules.

Do not pass Apotheosis.

Do not collect a Euro bailout.

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Stamping out ageism

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