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Start in life!

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TWR | 19:58 Fri 06th Jul 2012 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
Myself "No" did your parents give you a good start in life with finance? if so, do you appreciate it? If not, are you at times glad that you know how to spin your monies out especially in our present state?


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Charity, that doesn't fit with your name.
Lol! I've always had to be careful with money but share my home with stray kids and stray animals :0)
My parents gave me the best start by ensuring I had a decent education. The rest I did myself. My higher education etc, I did myself. I've also bought houses well and sold them on at a profit.

They gave my sister and brother a financial leg up to help them start their company.

The fact that we are all pretty financially secure is a combination of having a good start, having the drive and determination and having a shed load of luck!
yes, yes, yes
Only as an adult did I realise how much money I was given every week. I had £10 from my father, of which £3 paid for my rent, but my mother gave me £10 on the sly every week. That's £17 a week, tax free, in hand. The date? 1966 ! To give an idea, a new car was only a few hundred pounds, and a dinner at the Savoy Hotel, with a cabaret, full orchestra and dancing, cost 4 guineas, £4-20, in those days.

When I qualified and started earning, and all that stopped, it was quite a shock to find out what earning £20 a week after tax represented. From that moment, the only 'help' was that my father had to act as guarantor for the rent of my new flat at first. I have been trying to get back to my 1966 standard of living ever since!

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