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Scrambled EGGS?
11:19 Tue 10th Jul 2012
No probs, sibton. I shall keep Gorgeous George all to myself.

And I'm glad you like the new avatar, excel, although I am intending trading Wonderwoman in for something else in the not too distant future.
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yourself in a bikini? (desperate hope)
when it kicks in, this is my fave bond
Oh dear, I was actually thinking of Fungus the Bogeyman
fungus would suit you
LOL, not quite sure how to take that, mcfluff....

Blimey, I've only just noticed that you are mccfluff with two cs. And I've been misspelling you all this time
everyone mispells it, i take no notice any more, i see sean has arrived

The only bond imo

i liked the fungus books :-) i think i still may have its somewhere, who were they by frank someone??
Raymond Briggs - you were close!

Great, another one for Sean. Looks like George is mine all mine. Mwahahaha!!!!
who am i thinking of?

lol its a new game

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