In the long run each immigrant becomes one of your countrymen. They make the same contribution as you and me on average.
Immigration is about permanent overcrowding and various population pressure transient effects. In Croydon we can see these transient effects and they are hurting our fellow, often ethnic minority, English people. These transient effects are extremely serious for people now.
jno quoted the Guardian article that said that according to the Office of Budget Responsibility immigration was a good thing. Perhaps we should quote in full:
"Higher net inward migration than in our central projection – closer to the levels we have seen in recent years, for example – would put downward pressure on borrowing and PSND, as net immigrants are more likely to be of working age than the population in general. This effect would reverse over a longer time horizon, when those immigrants who remain in the UK reach old age. "
Immigration is a Ponzi Scheme, baby boomers benefit now, their kids and grandchildren pay later. It is stealing from babies.