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Are you sentimental?

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TWR | 20:35 Fri 20th Jul 2012 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
What makes you shed a tear? Men / Women? Men! It takes a man to admit it. Women! Circumstances.


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No Nical, Just interesting? or not??
My OH is a leaky thing. He sees no issues with shedding a few tears. He can make himself cry, it's funny.
I can sit and cry buckets watching children in hospital or those Dr Barnardos and child cruelty adverts. I've seen MrAsk hide his tears on Noels Christmas presents, or the programmes where people find their lost family.
I think AB has sentmemental
Lassie does it for me every time. Apart from that not a lot makes me cry.
Animal things mainly do it for me.
Yeah naturally very sentimental, but ruthless when necessary.
I rarely cry. Maybe I have a heart of stone!

I only cry at funerals (I physically can't stop, even if I don't know the person) and when I watch Marley and Me or Forrest Gump!!
People who can not spell words correctly make us sad and cry.


The (drastically reduced) Spelling Police
mazie i watched the original Lassie (with Roddy McDowell) earlier this week. The bit at the end when she limps through the streets to get to the school I couldn't breathe for the tears!
Having seen the Lassie film as a kid I don't think I could watch it ever again.
My 'shed a tear' list, in no particular order:(except numerical)

1. when Garth sings 'It Was Your Song' (it's about his mom)
2. Last scene in The Searchers where John Wayne carries debbie home
3. In Field of Dreams when Ray kinsella sees his Dad
4. When anything comes on TV about Diana
5. When I visit Bingo's grave
6. When I feel guilty at not visiting my parents grave.
7. When my OH rings up from night fishing and says he loves me but I've not packed his butties.
I do get quite emotional when cutting open an onion and finding only one core, the tears just start streaming... must be deep inside my stone cold heart because i have to laugh.

To be honest though I get saddened, but not shed a tear. (distress, suffering of most living things causes emotion)
Oi! Leave the onion out of this Arky!
oops... sorry wipes tears from eyes
Nevermind.... I just ate it for my supper :) Siamese onion is no more!!
I well up when watching DIY SOS

Soft as sh!te me
Yes, a bit. Last time I shed a tear or two was when watching Extraordinary People episode with Hayley Okines - the 13 year old who has progeria.

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