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The things I do for you ABers.....

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Mick-Talbot | 20:41 Fri 20th Jul 2012 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
I don't even like Battenberg


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Here's the thing, I have asked, hinted, muted and given guidance, yet no sign of a Garth avatar in my honor, so, my favourite cake is a Chorley Cake.....
I bought some ready-made marzipan to put on a Christmas cake once. Yes - you've guessed it - I ate it all and had to go and buy another lot.
Can't stand marzipan, it's so anti-cake - takes all of the fun out of the icing (but not mad keen on the heavy fruit cake it is usually moulded on to).
Son used to peel off the marzipan, eat the yellow squares first, then the pink ones. The marzipan was left til last and eaten veeeeerrrryy slowly.
You are such a pi55-taker. Lol.
Dessert. Fresh fruit salad and/or cheese.
Really, really want black forest gateau
homemade battenburg - yes please. thank you.
I wanna gooooooeeey strawberry gateau with ooooodles of fresh cream
I asked for a finger of fudge but got told off :-(
I would like a Belgian Bun, please, MT. :-)

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The things I do for you ABers.....

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