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Oily fish.

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Georgiesmum | 12:01 Sat 21st Jul 2012 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
Our doctors say everyone should eat oily fish at least three times a week. These include sardines, fresh salmon and mackerel, etc. Do you?


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bones ..nanny ... too many bones
I used to work with a guy who would come to the canteen table open up a tin of sild and start eating them out of the tin aagghhh
smoked haddock, mackerel, sardines, kippers yummy. What's not to love?
Anybody like anchovies? They seem to be all salt and bone.
I'm mainly veggie,eat fish fingers,so not eat oily fish
Essential fatty acids can be sourced from a variety of nuts and seeds for those who do not eat fish, however they are the short-chain fatty acids and not the long-chain fatty acids derived from fish.
Love mackerel in all forms. Eat it as often as poss.
We love mackerel fillets in tomato sauce - usually have these with salad most weeks but we take 2 x 100mg Omerga 3 fish oil tablets daily for our joints and have done for many years.

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Oily fish.

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