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What are you having for tea?

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Ric.ror | 14:15 Tue 24th Jul 2012 | ChatterBank
46 Answers
I cant decide between a greek salad or the other half of the soup I had for lunch


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Ric.roc - it's my week off!
14:23 Tue 24th Jul 2012
mccfluff, I get confused quite regularly!
Sizzling bacon steaks (!) salad and saute potatoes...just going to cook...mmm.
The Duncer household has just added Tesco strawberry and fresh cream tarts to tonight's menu. Well, I had to pass it on the way back from physio?
Had an early tea as 7 year old grandaughter is staying with me. Mince, tatties, carrots and sweetcorn. Clean plate from the wee one.
Sorry everyone. Had to shoot off. I live in Colchester, Essex.
noodles,chicken and chips.

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What are you having for tea?

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