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an unexpected day out

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Dee Sa | 10:26 Tue 24th Jul 2012 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Its sunny but Chief Stout says he is not well enough to go out but would I go to RNIB London and collect his watch repair from them, easy peasy as I have free travel [OAP pass] have decided to carry on to Selfridges and collect two salt beef sarnies and from their food hall some tabouli & mortabel & arabic bread because they are the only ones that make and it tastes just like it did when we lived in Dubai but of course the price here is triple thats Selfridges for you.CS doesnt know hoping the grub will cheer him up.
London here I come, Miss Piggy personified.


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good on yer,enjoy your day out,i used to love wandering about the shops,i have never heard of that bread,enjoy.
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thanks kate, its the norm bread in the Middle East its flat round and baked in a stone oven being like that for centuries apparently, stuff in our supermarkets not quite the same, good for to have with dips.
Arabic dips there in UAE are cheap here in Selfridges they go ott I paid £4.65 for 100 gms of tabouli and £6.95 for same in martobel.+£18 for two salt beef sarnies to bring home, so its a now & then treat for us poor stouts.
Too hot today for shopping came home by 3pm and guess what the bus from the station had the heating on and passengers were sweating buckets !
But I thought jellied eels were your favourite food?
owwww'thats expensive.
I suppose that's because Oxford St isn't Dubai, Dee Sa. How much would a few jellied eels cost there?
I'm afraid I never once came across jellied eels in my fve years out there, not that I was particularly looking for them.
Djellid eils - a well know Dubai delicacy

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an unexpected day out

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