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Down at the Car Wash babe la... Car Wash

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SIRandyraven | 16:44 Fri 27th Jul 2012 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Polish , Latvian, Hungarian run hand car wash.
Normal = Bunch of guys clean and hoover car (CRV) for £18.
They do a good job.
Price increase to £20 ! ....
But they now employ two busty young girls in small denim shorts as part of the team.
Me sat in car thinking ....
£2 price rise ...girls in shorts cleaning car ...Hummmm ....
What's £2 me thinks :-)



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All legal, I hope SIRAndy
Hopefully, not as wet as this though :)
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@sir.prize - legal ...ha ha ha ...yes right ....
But who cares :-)
They've got them at our local one but I always get the great hairy unwashed bloke with a beard!!
Oi!, parkdale - No need to get personal :(
oh - oh - oh, where?

my car is dirty!
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Mine is (as soon as I mix up some mud cakes) dirty again also ?

I feel a Good Car wash guide in the creation ...wink wink lol
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Local car wash employs mainly Polish blokes. Costs £5 and £1 extra for a chamois dry. Great value.
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@maggiebee - Are you up North as they say ?
Where my dad lives in Chesterfield its half the price it is down here in Hampshire

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Down at the Car Wash babe la... Car Wash

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