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did you see the mess they made with those Korean flags?

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dotty. | 20:10 Sat 28th Jul 2012 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Least they got the Swiss one right, that was a big plus.......


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I'm not lolling :-(
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wow L4...just wow, lol.

I was childish enough to find the joke funny dotty :P
Which was the flag that has a different front and back to it? They did say but I missed the first part of it. It is the only one of its kind in the world.
"Why does North and East Korea have different flags in the first place?

Shouldn't the united nations tell them that sorry we only recognise one flag per country and they need to come together and unite under one flag. "

Is this ironic pathos? East Korea?
That won't stop them from wanting to nuke one another l4, best to give them separate flags.
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they should have asked South Korea if they were asking North and East, and what about West Korea? can't leave them out tut
I've never trusted those dodgy West Koreans.
Apparently the only one mamya, although the mysterious West Korean flag is supposed to be a real enigma.
I was going to live in Seoul at one time but decided it would not be a good Korea move.
Boom boom

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did you see the mess they made with those Korean flags?

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