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Sqad HELP!!!!!!

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Eve | 19:26 Sun 29th Jul 2012 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Can you recommend something for a really bad headache brought on by discovering my ability to bake a decent cake seems to have deserted me.

Also, would you recommend valium for the potential shame of taking it into work for a charity competition tomorrow and probably showing me up in front of lovely man after thinking it could be bonus points showing I can bake lovely things.


(and thanks!)


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Forget the Valium and take it on the chin tomorrow...;-)

Headache?.....Ibuprofen 600mgms should settle it down.
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Jenna, sneak into M & S on your way to work and buy a really fancy one, get rid of the box and pass it of as one you have made.
Nip down to the local bakery, first thing
Awww hun.................................. just cheat!

Lisa x
What's wrong with baking another one, or haven't you got enough ingredients? I believe Tesco stays open all night. Oh no, it's Sunday, I forgot, but there are other shops open. Stay up all night if necessary although I reckon some of the other suggestions are good. Who would know, except you (and us of course).
Jenna, buy a Victoria Sponge in the morning. Have you seen Calendar Girls?!
Perhaps if you put ibuprofen in the cake (as recommended), nobody will notice :-)))
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Thanks all, ahhh I couldn't cheat :) I will "man" up and take it in. After some camoflage work it doesn't look so bad, it looked better upside down and have only used one and put it in one of the cake paper things that I got to frill up (aka hide) the edges and used a generous amount of buttercream. I've then put it back in one of the cake baking tins to keep it neat. I put it in the fridge but wondering if I should have!

Got a proper cake tin to put it in to transport tomorrow (2 buses, argh!) - got 2 for £1 in Wilkos, bargain!

I am trying to get some piccies on FB via my phone so can copy and save them and post a piccie on here of my rescue efforts!

So I have a spare rather knackered sponge and buttercream to myself so I will have a try in a bit (when I can bear to look at it again haha!).

Will upload piccies in a bit, feeling a little more sane now!
Should have made cupcakes ;)

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