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Tea tonight

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Ric.ror | 15:42 Wed 01st Aug 2012 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
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hello Ric.ror.

are you asking us to make suggestions for your meal -- or tell you what we are having?
How many calories ric?

We're doing lasagne and chips.
Oh, go down the chippie. You can't be bothered cooking.
see my thread about this stuff
Boiled chicken and rice should be just right for you ric, we are having chorizo pasta for tea.
Question Author
Oh lasagne and chips
I dream about that
I'm on my own this week so I can eat exactly what I like :o)

So tonight I'm being lazy and having chilli (out the freezer) and chips.
Had roast chicken with all the trimmings last night. So tonight it will be curry
or pasta with the leftovers!
Question Author
Oh it's 733 calories for tea so I guess it's Greek salad again
Ric, you can get low-fat or whatever it's called, lasagne
Chips on the other hand.... frozen ones and oven cook?
We are having rump steak, chip, mushrooms and peas. Fresh strawberries and cream for afters.
Dhosa and chutney. Here's a simple recipe http://www.jamieolive...s/amazing-indian-dosa
a sort of shepherds pie with mixed root veg topping
Or tandoori chicken, chapati or rice with cachumber, carrot salad and a raita.
Like Cupid, I had roast chicken last night so I'm having a chicken madras, boiled rice, onion bhaji and spicy potatoes....with the the extras.
Fish, chips and mushy peas
Thats what i like to hear Mamya, good ol' traditional English food. You cant beat it imo. Lol.
Home made quiche, new potatoes and salad here.
We're having mince, tatties and carrots.

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Tea tonight

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