good - its friday and ive already finished work
bad - monday will be here too quickly
good a have a child free house for a week!
bad - I miss the annoying little b*gger
good - I can drink lots of wine
bad - I may wake up with a headache
good - I have headache tablets!!
Good - just had a week off from work
Bad - the other half didn't so I've been really bored
Good - tomorrow's Saturday
Bad - I've got to go to a wedding I've been dreading for months
Good - It will be over by 6pm hopefully and then I can get on with the rest of my weekend
Good - It's Friday
Bad - It's not sunny enough for me to drive home with the top down.
Good - Off into York tomorrow with friends for a pub crawl
Bad - I'll have a hangover on Sunday
Good - found painkillers which have knocked the headache out for now
Bad - Surrendered our lucky lou this morning
Good - Shes off (hopefully) to be a police dog
Bad - hubby is drilling
Good - family day out tomorrow