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So that's what a Pole looks like......

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EcclesCake | 21:52 Fri 03rd Aug 2012 | Food & Drink
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Mick, has one of us missed something????
Mick- your avatar Olympic rings are STILL back to front.
I reckon they're spuds, that's why Eccles has put it in Food and Drink
The rings are floating in mid air .....Try... if you can . sir p

to imagine that you are on the other side.

I know they never had 3D in your day but things have changed.
anyhoo, getting back to the meat and tatties, isn't there a Polish dish made along the lines of Hungarian Goulash?
Can't be bothered to ask my younger alba who works with a load of Poles.
that's not the men's team, Mick, it's the Polish women's team.......
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I think I mioght be off the polish sauasage for a wee while, seems like a form of assault!
They probably use cat instead of lamb, alba. After all I see the Polish eat dog.
Just as well Eccles.......Dave`s hidden them all at LadyJ`s sleepover.

that's not the men's team, Mick, it's the Polish women's team.......

I give up.......
lol, Mick

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So that's what a Pole looks like......

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