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sp1814 | 12:43 Mon 20th Aug 2012 | News
67 Answers
Do you support proposals for ISPs to be forced to block porn sites?



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I think that ISP should be more responsible for content on their sites, they are not, as they earn loads of money, so why should they care. Parents can only do so much.
They are not the ISPs sites.
ok give up.
"if they have a mobile, chances are you can access internet, or pass around pornographic images. "

Past a certain age, I'm really quite skeptical about how damaging this process actually is. It happened all the time in my school, and in the school of pretty much everyone I know (and to a lesser degree in schools prior to the widespread use of the internet). How much damage does this really do? In my opinion, not much.
we come from totally different eras, that sort of thing didn't happen as i was growing up. Now we have the internet, information of any sort is there for the looking. But it isn't going to happen, no matter what one says.
Without trying to sound irresponsible, I sometimes wonder if we're over-egging the pudding when we go on about the so called terrible effect on kids?
Let's face it, little tiddlers wouldn't have a clue what it was anyway, any kids up to the age of about 10 would at best be curious, and from then onwards it's not so many years until they're considered 'grown ups'? I mean, for example teenagers can die for their country, they can vote, they can - and do- have sex, they can booze - and all manners of "undesirable things".
Plus, look at the violence to which they're subjected from such young ages - another 'no no'? but it goes on whether we like it or not.
And anybody who thinks that a school or its playground is a sanctum of innocence really needs to get a life.
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