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It had a good sniff

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Bazile | 18:20 Tue 21st Aug 2012 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Had one of those police sniffer dogs ( in training ) today in the office ,moving from desk to desk .
It lingered for more than a few seconds at my desk , compared to other people's desk .

I thought for a moment that someone had slipped some banned substance into my pocket , without me knowing .


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.. and what was it, bazile?! Perhaps it could smell something else which distracted it!
I guess it depends what it is the dog is trained to find, it may have been a contraband - chocolate sniffer dog,
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no idea boxtops .

I was in too minds as to whether to use that particular dedorant , this morning
well at least the dog didnt wrestle you to the floor and bite you !
Maybe it fancied you Bazile. You didn't have any cat hairs or 'the aroma' of another dog on you did you?

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It had a good sniff

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