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Last Meal

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robert551069 | 07:34 Wed 22nd Aug 2012 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
On his show last night a lady in the audience asked Rob Brydon and his guests what they would choose for their last meal before execution.
I would choose a full English breakfast with coffee and toast and marmalade.
What would you choose?


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or maybe ...

Seared fois gras
Steak tartare
Vanilla ice cream
Before execution? Do you really think that you would feel hungry?
Nothing for me thank you.
I'm with Sqad on this one
There are a few 'celebs' who should be up for execution.
I think I'd go for the plateful of life thank you. Including the charred bits.
I keep changing my mind --- I think avocado with fresh crab, freshly baked bread and lots of butter and a bottle of vodka and six cans of sprite should last me till the end.
I'd rather avoid doing anything that got me in that situation in the first place. If I were found guilty of something I didn't do through a miscarriage of justice I think I'm with Sqad.
An everlasting lollipop.
nothing, there would be no point, and who could eat when staring death in the face.
Fish, chips and mushy peas injected with a large dose of sodium thiopentol. I always like to keep one step ahead of the bar stewards !
Unicorn steak.....:o)

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