New shoes in The AnswerBank: ChatterBank
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New shoes

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sherrardk | 21:53 Wed 29th Aug 2012 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Right, mildly superstitious (I believe the ones that I believe - please don't tell me any new ones). Boy #1 needs his school trousers taken up and he will have to stand him on the kitchen table so I can pin them up and he will have to wear his new school shoes. As you shouldn't put new shoes on a table, will it count if I get him to stand on a newspaper? (Ps - this is a real question.)
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Not one I've come across - but could he wear some older shoes/trainers that are about the same height ?
Stand him on a towel...there's a good reason for not putting shoes on a table, or was when tables were French polished and the smallest piece of grit or wetness would ruin the table
It'll be fine if he's wearing the shoes Sherr, its when they are loose they bring bad luck. Not a bad idea to stand them on paper anyway, that way they'll not make contact with the table at all.
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Not worried about the table - just don't want to flirt with bad luck!
Do it tomorrow, when the shoes are no longer new.
no it won't help, still bad luck, take him next door and use their table, or use the garden table, or a chair, of the toilet seat with the lid down. or, kneel down on the floor
I think you'd get away with the newspaper....me and mum (nungate) have been having a debate about this
Here's what you could try. Get an old pair of trousers that he wears that are the correct length, then measure the new pair against the old and mark accordingly and then stitch - he doesn't have to stand on the table then
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Oh no, Dotty says no. Can't do the table now! The shoes are new until they have been worn for the purpose (of going to school). It will have to be a chair then.
Will only be bad luck if he falls off the precarious chair. Once he wears them they won't be new anyway, surely its only if they are straight out of the box and unworn.
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Right, will make him walk outside for a few steps, then they won't be new. Then he can stand on the table (on newspaper to be on the safe side) to save him falling of the chair.
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Sorry Douglas, what's 'jings'?
By Jingo!
I believe it harks back to a time when taking the name of the lord in vain was a serious offence. Like Odds teeth, jeepers and so on.
Sometimes seen as jings, crivvens, help ma boab!

An expression of disbelief. :)
Get him to stand on his head !
It's loose shoes definitely doesn't count if someone is in them.

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