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fruitsalad | 15:10 Wed 29th Aug 2012 | Health & Fitness
4 Answers
Have had a slight sore throat bit of a earache and swollen/tender glands in neck for a couple if days but feel reasonably ok in myself but went to gp today as I was worried it was early signs of tonsillitis which I had a couple of months ago gp said It was a virus give it 48 hours it may go away or it may turn into tonsillitis I thought tonsillitis was just that and a virus is a virus so does that mean a virus can turn into tonsillitis?


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tonsillitis simply means inflammation of the tonsils - it's a symptom, not a disease. So, if your tonsils swell up, whatever the reason, you have tonsillitis.
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Thanks rojash hopefully they won't then I have a busy weekend no time for being unwell
Poor you. I prescribe hot water, honey and whisky (or brandy, rum anything but vodka!). Wash down some echinacea with that you will soon be better!
Acute Tonsillitis IS a disease.

It starts as a viral problem OR bacterial and remains that way.

A viral tonsillitis cannot turn into a bacterial tonsillitis in the vast majority of cases.

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