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what subject ( if any ) would you NOT discuss on AB ?

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anneasquith | 12:30 Tue 15th Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
59 Answers
as above ^^^^TIA


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what number in the karma sutra is 'bottom position' ?

I don't know, rude boy!
I don't mind talking about some things which concern me but I like to remain anonymous. One reason I do not like facebook and would never join it.
It's a couple of pages after 'Two Watermelons and a Swing'.....I think...
Same as page 87 but you keep your fingers crossed and wear a back brace
my work ;-)
I've signed the Official Secrets Act, or is that a secret?
It should be a secret venator. Now you are guilty of treason.
Bugger I've signed it as well.............
he could use the guillotine on your other thread, at blade sharpener?
But I'm too young and beautiful to die...

Perhaps Ab Editor will remove my confession before GCHQ pick it up...
See you in the Tower, Craft.
I'll talk about pretty much anything.
I used to do daffy - that's why I used to get into so much trouble. Of course alcohol loosens the tongue.
Don't worry Venator......I've got the telephone numbers of all the government...........oops!
I suppose i'm lucky that I don't have a boss that some nasty git can grass me up to salla.
and I suppose I'm lucky that I have a boss that doesn't like grasses !!!
Question Author
there are lots of issues i would not discuss on AB, i like to keep my private life- private, some abers are quite open about personal things....... each to their own. :)
My ambition is to sleep with every girl on AB but I need some help with this.

I would have to discuss this to achieve it, wouldn't I?

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what subject ( if any ) would you NOT discuss on AB ?

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