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attn Mrs O

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Dee Sa | 11:10 Mon 03rd Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Have you got your speech, wig & gown ready for tomorrow ? best of luck


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Morning Dee.
The clown brought all the paperwork to my house yesterday. The first thing I spotted was the court date - its the 4th October, not 4th September. Doh!
oooh dear!
Mrs O, what you gone and done now?
(i.e. alba's missed juicy gossip)
Alba...splutter...I aint done nuffink!

A friend who has been done for drink driving has asked me to speak for him at magistrates court. He's pleading guilty and wants to apologise etc but he is big strapping man who says he will turn into a gibbering buffoon if he has to speak
Good luck with everything, mrs O. Your work with the Grammar Police will still be waiting for you here when you return.
Thank you jonnyboy - I am reassured and can sleep easy tonight
You may not return MrsO. We may have to campaign for your release. :-) x
Yep, A release the AB one campaign.
I now have another month to refine and polish my speech. I anticipate the magistrates will be moved to tears by the eloquence of my words.
Either that, or they will think I am taking the P and will send me down lol

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attn Mrs O

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