done my first few sales on ebay. I have discovered that i rather overestimated on the cost of postage. Am i able to refund part of the cost to the buyer thru paypal?
Anyway bednobs, I'm like you - if the price on those big golden stamps is much less than I've paid to a buyer, I wouldn't give them 5 star feedback for "cost of postage and packing". I always refund if the postage is way out - and like you sometimes I think something will be too fat for the large letter slot, then at the PO it slips through easily. Do what you think is right - buyers do (in general) appreciate your honesty.
I have bought but never sold on EBay but I overhead a lady say to her friend - make as much money on the postage as you can- as she was sending her parcels.
That's bad practice, dee sa - you get marked on the reasonableless of yoru P&P charges, I couldn't do it. I do reuse packaging all the time so I don't need to spend much on bubble wrap or padded envelopes.
People have been honest and refunded postage to me a few times. I think it shows honesty and I've reflected this in their feedback. Other buyers read it and know that they can trust the seller.